have been playing mahjong for the past weeks.. and finally i feel my luck is coming back to mi.. if you guys have been reading my blog.. you should know that i keep losing since last year.. even new year i also suay.. but now i feel lady luck is with me.. horray..!!
i just won a six fold ..dc paid for all becoz he bao da pai ..then he start to make a fuss lor.. lol... then he start to say the $$ is peanuts.. so wth right ??!! ... i know he's just joking only lah.. so i dont minus pts okay..?? ( these is the six folds that i won and he paid all )
i think people with no mahjong etiquette sucks .. becoz its quite a turn off when you start to rant and curse when you lose ..there will be times when you win or lose ... if you lose these time then too bad lah.. just pay up and pray harder next time round lor... correct ?? $$ is not an issue when it can be earned back .. :)
i used to be sore loser .. when i was really young maybe around 11 years old... i rmb when i play boardgames with my sis..whenever i was about to lose..i either play cheat by changing the
chess.. switching the positions and pretend nth happen ( i think everybody does that when they are young) or simply overturn the whole boardgame .. throwing everything on the floor so i dont have to lose .. haha.. yesh.. call mi a sore loser.. !!
i started to play mahjong at a really young age.. around 13.. i played with my two sisters and my mum... i was really lousy that time.. everytime also lose.. and i really hate to lose $$ ( nobody likes) ... so whenever i lose ..i will say im feeling really sick.. im having headache and stuff like that.. then give one black face.. complaining how bad they are to not stop playing when im so sick.. (its a lie and they just knew it) since they ignored my pleadings , i just ran inside the room and sleep.. ahah... i know very cheeky and irritating ....
so the very next time when we played ( cant believe they still wanna play with me ) they set rules be4 starting.. saying that if anyone ever runs away from the mahjong table be4 the game ends will be fined $1.. that time $1 is like damn alot .. so i'll try my very best to stick my butt onto the chair.. but i still run to my bed when i lose and lock the door.. as usuals they will starting threatening me saying they will take the $$ from my wallet .. after serveral warnings and threatening.. i'll be back on the chair with a black face and keep rolling my eyes.. ahah..im such an idiot.. !! ^^
these are super old pictures.. like almost one year ago.. and i have not change abit... !! okay..im gonna change my fringe soon... i should stop having bangs..!! *serious..!!*
in a few mths time i'll be 19..its damn fast man.. i think when i hit my 20s.. time will pass even faster.. omg..im starting to feel old already.. need to start maintaining now be4 every part of my body starts to sag.. i dont wannna see a shaggy Xuan few years later.. :)
Guys that are in their 40s like to date girls who are in their 20s , guys at 30s like to date girls at their 20s too..and guys in 20s , date girls that are in their 20s too .. so girls really need to start maintaining when they are young.. coz we age faster then guys and no girls will forever stay in their 20s or look like they are in their 20s when they are already in 30s.... we are not forever 21..we need to accept the fact and work on it..! ^^
sometimes when im at the counter working..i do recommand anti aging products to young adults who are around 25.. but they all seems really reluntant.. i just dont understand why.. dont they understand wat is "anti aging " its to prevent first signs of aging.. its to prevent your very first fishtails lines around your eye areas.. to prevent sagging skin.. its all preventive measures that we need to take.. why are they so afraid to admit they are no longer young andreally needs start to work on certain areas on their face be4 its too late.. !! just dont understand wat they are thinking.. lol..11 -.-
Must listen.. i love Leighton Meester...
ps: off to supper ..
love ,
xuan :)