Love Is All Around

Xuan Kwok 19

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11:06 AM Sunday, July 7, 2013

我在脸书上看到了这个问题 '在感情里适合还是爱比较重要?', 有的说适合但大多数人都说爱。我那时候看了就马上说‘但然是爱重要’。




4:06 PM Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I used to look follow to start working because that will be the time when i have full control of how i wan my life to be. i'll get to choose which industry to enter, i'll get to request for the amt of salary i think i deserve and  i believe that will be the time when i can earn lots of money! :D

But recently i got afraid about graduating... i got afraid because i don't know what lies ahead...n negative thoughts took over my head (bad thing.. negative thoughts brings u nowhere but pull u down). i was scare that i couldn't find my ideal job, get my ideal pay and i'm afraid that i will have to work in a really far place!!!!!

I told my bf about it and he say 船到桥头自然直, told my sis about it and she say its too early to get worry now. both of them are so bad at comforting me..;(

 Uncertainty happens a lot of times in our life; be it getting a new job, getting into a r/s or marriage or getting a house( not sure if u r getting the best deal)etc. I guess its pretty normal to feel scare because its a change, a new start and it might be something so new to u that u have never experience before( for my case, its all 3).

Life is exciting because you don't know whats ahead, you don't know what god has planned for here i am trying to overcome my fear of change and i'm gonna start being hopeful of what the future holds for me...;)

Lots of love.